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Small Group Classes
*** PLEASE NOTE: Masks are recommended for in-person classes ***
Our small-group classes provide a fun, encouraging, social environment. Our students benefit from sharing their stories and cheering each other on. Family members, caregivers & volunteers are always there with a helping hand. Increase mobility and boost confidence, one step at a time. Designed for people with mobility challenges due to stroke, TBI, MS, Parkinson's and other neurological conditions, injuries, who are able to stand and bear their weight, with or without assistance, even for just 5 seconds. Wheelchairs, walkers & canes welcome!
* $12/drop-in ($10/class if paid monthly/series) or pay-what-you-can. Solo or with partner. *
All participants (including caregivers) will be asked to complete a Participant Agreement.
Cash, check to "Hugs that Empower" or credit card in class or online here:
Join us!
Drop-ins welcome, space allowing. Please contact us.
206-778-3239 or tangostride@gmail.com