TangoHappyHour ~ Tuesdays in May
6pm tango lesson
7-9pm live music & dancing
$25 lesson + dance, $15 dance only
(cash, Venmo, card)
*** If you like, bring snacks to share ***
Basement Level of the Good Arts Building
102 Cherry Street
Seattle WA 98104
May 7 - Stuart Zobel & Obadiah Wright
May 14 - Ben Thomas & Eric Likkel
May 21 - Mirta Wymerszberg & Stuart Zobel
May 28 - Jamie Maschler, Stuart Zobel & Gabe Hall-Rodrigues *10-Yr TangoVersary!*
May DROP-IN CLASS taught by: Gabriela Condrea
Drop-ins and newbies are always welcome for the lesson at TangoHappyHour at 6pm. Please note that each first TangoHappyHour of the month will be the beginning of new month-long progressive intro series. See TangoHappyHour.com for the latest details.